Monday, November 8, 2010

Love your life :)

Wow! It's been such a long time since I've gotten on here :)
Lots of things are the same, but some things are different! For example, the fact that I'm engaged now!! The proposal was absolutely perfect! Spencer took me stargazing (something we used to do a lot, because I'm absolutely fascinated with stars!) and popped the question :D Of course I said yes! Can't wait to marry the man of my dreams on May 15th, 2011! Through the engagement so far, I have learned that there is a lot of planning that goes into having a beautiful wedding, so hopefully I will remember to do everything. Also, I am hopefully going to start looking for dresses soon. I'm trying on my mom's dress first, just to see how it looks :) Who knows? It might get it's 3rd wear! (It was my mom's and my granny's!)

On a slightly different note, I'm still interning with a sweet (but insane) first grade class. I'm in the middle of my two weeks of just me teaching, and I'm actually really enjoying it! Even though my internship has been crazy, I have learned so much and I love those crazy little kids! Everyday I feel more and more that teaching is what I'm supposed to do with my life, even though it absolutely exhausts me :) I always leave that school with a very happy and content heart.

I hope that you're having a terrific day and thanks for reading my short and simple blog/life update!
God Bless :)
Nighty night!