Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Start of Something New! (Please ignore the HS Musical reference! haha)

I'm getting married in 11 days!!! And graduating in 5 days! It's such an exciting time in my life, but at the same time, I'm not going to lie, it's a little nerve wracking. It's scary to think that in a few days, I'm going to be a grown up! I'm still on the job hunt, but so far no luck, because they aren't even posting elementary jobs yet. This is definitely a lesson in patience, and I know that if I'm supposed to be a teacher this year, the Lord will provide me with an opportunity to be one. So.. yeah. Keep praying!

Also, I have decided to calm down about the wedding. Sometimes I will be talking to Spencer about the wedding and I will start saying things like, "what if nobody shows up?" or "what if it rains?" or other things. He has been so sweet and patient with me through this time, and always grounds me by telling me that it only matters if the two of us show up, and if it rains, we'll go inside. (Not exactly what I want to hear, but still, it's coming from a good place, haha). When my little fear moments pass, I realize that no matter what, I know that I am going to have my friends and family around me, and most importantly, I'm going to be marrying the love of my life! It's going to be a wonderful day no matter what happens :)
After the wedding we are heading to NYC for a week, and I am totally psyched about that! Broadway, the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge... SO MUCH TO SEE!!

Above all of the nerves, I am so excited to start my grown up life with the never ending support of my God, my family, my friends, and last, but DEFINITELY not least, my AMAZING fiance :)

I am a blessed, blessed girl!
Thanks for reading. Once again, sorry it was such a spazzy read. It was my mind on overdrive :)