Saturday, September 15, 2012

So much has happened! :)

Wowsers! So since my last entry where I was oh so sad about not having a job, I have gotten a job! I am now teaching Kindergarten and I couldn't be happier. I am exhausted almost constantly, because it isn't just a 7-3 job like a lot of people think. Nope, I'm at work at 6:45 every morning, and a lot of the time, I don't leave until 5:30, and then I go home and work some more! But I feel so blessed to have this opportunity and I love every minute of it. I have a sweet, sweet group of 23 kids and I love how they each have their own little personality. We are still working on being able to actually sit still in our chairs and not talk the entire day, but I am seeing progress every day. That progress makes me so excited because I think of how far we have come in just 4 weeks, and then I look towards the end of the year and wonder how much they will have grown intellectually by then! I am SO EXCITED! I just know that I am going to be so proud of all of my sweet kids and maybe even a little bit proud of myself :). It's definitely not a job that college truly prepares you for. A lot of it you kind of just have to figure out because all of the kids are so different and they respond differently to everything. Anyway, as exhausting at it is, I LOVE my job!!

Also, since my last entry, Spencer and I have bought our first house. We started building in January and moved in mid-May. We are loving being homeowners and are decorating constantly. I am sort of a perfectionist when it comes to having my house decorated, so I don't want to invite anyone over because it's not perfect, and then Spencer has to tell me that it's a never ending process and that it looks fine how it is, so I have to let people come over. Haha. Speaking of Spencer, we have now been married for 1 year and 4 months exactly. It's crazy how fast time goes...

Well, thanks for reading my scatterbrained entry. Hopefully my next one won't be quite this bad. Haha. I guess I'm getting back into the swing of writing complete sentences and thoughts again. Have you ever noticed how little we actually do that in real life now? Hmm.. Anyway, Auburn is playing right now so I'm going to go watch for a little while. WAR EAGLE!

Peace out.