Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Kids say the darndest things :)

Tonight, kids church was insane, but so much fun! We had a night of worship, fun and competitive games (girls vs. boys, of course!), and lots of food! Seriously, tonight I had a cup of coffee, a cupcake, a coke, AND ice cream (all in the time span of 2 hours at church). Anyway, we were in the middle of lesson, and the question was asked "Does anyone know who Indiana Jones is?" Now, these are 1st through 5th graders, and a lot of them raised their hands. I was pretty impressed. The best part, however, was when one kid said (very knowingly) "There are stories about him in the Bible!" It cracked me up. Indiana Jones in the Bible? Haha :) I mean, sure, there are lots of adventurers and daring men in the Bible, but I don't think he made the cut, or time period. It just made me think about the mind of a child. Everything in their head is so simple, and that's one of the things I love about them. Adults and teenagers have a tendency to over think and judge everything so intellectually, but to kids, the answers always seem so simple. I love it :) One of the many reasons I want to be a teacher is because I am fascinated and delighted by the way that kids think.

Anyway, I'm off to do some reading and homework.
Nighty night :)

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