Monday, June 14, 2010

Stop focusing on the wrong things.

Do you ever just wish you knew what was going to happen with your life? What God's plan is for your life? I wonder that all the time. This summer is moving so fast, and next thing you know, it's going to be Fall, then Spring, then... Graduation.. I don't know if I'm ready to be an adult. What if I don't get a teaching job? They're kind of hard to come by right now.. Or so I hear. I'm worried that I am going to end up in some town by myself. I know that God has amazing plans for me, but why can't I have a little sneak preview of what that's going to be? I guess that would ruin the surprise. Sorry if none of this makes sense. I don't want to be a waitress, or work in retail, or even be a substitute for a year (have you seen how kids treat subs?). I just want my own class. I want to teach. I want to do what I'm working so hard towards right now. I feel confident that this is the direction God wants me to go in. Especially since a fortunate series of events happened to cause me to turn away from my long-lived hopes of becoming a veterinarian. I actually was planning on being a vet until my second semester at Auburn. I did NOT want to be a teacher when I was growing up. Then I got placed in classrooms and it just felt.. right. Like that was where I was supposed to be. Now I love it and it has become what I'm passionate about. I'm just thinking about it, and what if my hopes that I have had for next year don't happen? If I don't get a job, if I somehow wind up alone.. I don't know. I guess none of it matters right now, but since time seems to be going by at a supersonic rate lately, I couldn't help but think these things through, maybe a little too much. I wish I would stop focusing on the wrong things. I know that we need to focus on what is unseen-- eternity. That's what really matters. But for some reason, what happens during my time on Earth still means a lot to me. Is that wrong? I don't think so..

Anyway, I'm starting to ramble. Congratulations if you made it through all of that mumbo jumbo.

Nighty night.

1 comment:

  1. You are going to be such an amazing teacher!!! People are going to be chasing you down trying to get you to teach at their school because you're so awesome, so no worries :)

    P.S. I think everyone has these thoughts at one time or another, so you're not alone!
